Having A Tough Day Today? Need A Bit Of A Pick-Me-Up? Or Maybe A Palate Cleanser?

Here. This recording of Handel's three Water Music suites should do the trick.

Starts out a bit Grave, as do so many overtures in the French style. But once you get past the "dotted rhythms" and hit the Allegro (right about the 1:15 mark), things really get going. (If you need to jump directly to the Uppest of the Pick-Me-Ups, try this par of Country Dances. And if that doesn't get you going, seek medical help immediately. You either have no rhythm or are dead.)

Wonderful, no? So much lilt; so much drive. Just exactly the musical boost I needed today.

Trevor Pinnock's Handelian efforts with The English Concert are some of the finest "period instrument" recordings ever made. Actually, let's go bigger: Their Handel recordings are some of the finest performances of his works ever, regardless of the periodness of the groups instruments. They're superb, and I love them. Especially the Organ Concerti. And the Royal Fireworks. And the Trio Sonatas. And, of course, the Concerto Grossi.

Gosh. I really can't pick a "Best Of." They're ALL best.

Attribution(s): "Pinnock with some English Concert friends" is courtesy of Getty Images, which allows the use of certain images "as long as the photo is not used for commercial purposes (meaning in an advertisement or in any way intended to sell a product, raise money, or promote or endorse something);" "Handel on the Water" by Edouard Jean Conrad Hamman is in the public domain (via Wikipedia Commons).