My #LentInMusic, 2018 (Day 29)

Another "O salutaris," once again from a composer best remembered for his orchestra work: Camille Saint Saens. (PLAYLIST, as well).

O salutaris hostia
quae caeli pandis ostium,
bella premunt hostilia:
da robur, fer auxilium

Uni trinoque Domino
sit sempiterna gloria,
qui vitam sine termino
nobis donet in patria.

O saving Victim! opening wide
The gate of heaven to man below,
Our foes press hard on every side,
Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow.

All praise and thanks to thee ascend
For evermore, blest One in Three;
O grant us life that shall not end
In our true native land with thee.
Attribution(s): "Many Bells" provided by Unsplash's Igor Ovsyannykov, whose work is made available via a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) license.